🧰Pilot Space Knowledge Base
Welcome to our internal wiki, the Pilot Space Knowledge Base. Find information on machines, software setup, material selection, and more!
Last updated
Welcome to our internal wiki, the Pilot Space Knowledge Base. Find information on machines, software setup, material selection, and more!
Last updated
The "wiki" section on the left contains information on all of our machines and tools.
Searching: this site features both a traditional search function and a machine learning powered search (the "Lens" button in search). This is a feature of Gitbook, and uses an AI language model trained on the content of this site. The output at times will be completely inaccurate or otherwise misleading - please consult the "Answer based on x sources" at the base of the answer to back up its response.
Machine Documentationcontains information on the machines themselves
General usage instructions
Material restrictions
Any "helper" machines are located in the category of their related main machine. For example, the Stratasys Support Cleaning Apparatus docs are located in the 3D Printing section.
Software contains:
download links, installation notes, initial setup guides
Guides that will be re-used
example: under CAD -> Solidworks,
If you want to note incorrect information or make minor changes, please send an email to pilotspace@up.edu and include:
Subject with brief descriptor: "Gitbook change request: [issue]"
The link to the page with the issue
The issue itself (ex: "x is worded poorly" or "x is incorrect")
The correction (ex: "change [x] to [y]" or "rephrase [a] to clarify that [b]" etc)
If you'd like to add a page, etc, just make a more detailed version of the above example.
Please do not use this format to inquire about how to use a specific machine - this is for corrections only. If you just need help using a machine, please talk to a Pilot Space Assistant directly!
If you wish to become a contributor, please send an email to pilotspace@up.edu. This would be a very rare approval - the most likely response is a request to submit the files you'd like to contribute, but in special cases it may be approved.